Monday, May 27, 2019

Nolan Soccer & Viking Football Partner School 7v7 Soccer/Powder Puff Showcase

Two Events, One Location... Soccer (Futbol) or Powder Puff Football

When: July 20-21, 2019
Location: Nolan Catholic High School (Doskocil Stadium)

Ages: Rising 6th Graders through rising 8th graders (Girls ONLY)

Time: Saturday All Day and Sunday starting at Noon
What to Bring: Water and Snacks
Cost: $25 per team

The showcase is a #PartnerUp event that will be run by the Viking Football and the women's soccer program at Nolan Catholic. Sign your team up to play soccer or sign your team up to play powder puff football.  Come out and play with two of the most dynamic programs in the country.

For more information contact Jay Fitzgerald at 817-917-1491 or

CLICK HERE for Registration Forms

*All teams will be coached and officiated by student-athletes from the Nolan Catholic.
*The Soccer Teams will play with 7 players on the field going to small goals so no goalkeepers. *Games will be 25 minute games and you are guaranteed 3 games.
*Games will be all day Saturday and Sunday games will start at noon.
*Any rising 6th-8th grader can participate. Players do not need to be associated with a Nolan Catholic Partner School.
*Players that do not have a team will be placed on a team.

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